Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am in a funk. Not a funk in life per say, but with the blog. I have ideas about what to write about, but most of them stem off of other people's posts and really enough was said on their ends. I just have nothing much going on. I guess that's a good thing, right?
You see, I'm on "break" until the end of May. Instead of doing things (which cost $$), I've been staying at home a lot. A.LOT. I don't know how house wives and husbands do it. I would go insane. A week and a half and I already am going stir crazy. I'm looking forward to working again. Well, I always need to be working, but I mean going to school instead of working at home.

I've been doing well on the HYC stuff. I've been trying to journal and let go of feelings. I also started walking (speeded) about 1/2 hour every day and taking small walks or bike rides with the hubby. Also, trying to get a grip on compulsive eating. I'm not exactly eating as healthy as I could (although my snacks are typically grapes or oranges, which is way better than usual) and I am eating more than necessary. But, I'm doing and feeling a lot better than in the past. I just need to keep chugging.


Dr. Wifey said...

i know what you mean about getting bored at home. i stayed at home looking for a job for 3 months after graduation and i was CRAZY! glad you are getting a grip on your HYC. every little bit helps

kristisummer said...

Sometimes I feel pressed for what to write...just write what is on your mind!

Felice Devine said...

You'll shake the funk. I suggest either not writing for a few days or writing about something completely different, just to shake things up!

me said...

I stay at home - and honestly, I'm always busy. But I also homeschool our Kiddo so that keeps me busy. I also do the books and answer the phone for Hubby's business. Then there is the housework - the dog sheds...excessively...24/7...year round. I always have my hand in some cheap reno project as well. Currently, I am converting the spare bedroom (which is rarely only 5 times a year) into a class room - which will be used 5 times a week - and an office space - every day use - as well as waiting for the paint to dry so I can install the murphy bed.

I do know sahms who complain about being bored and that being why they eat. But for me, it doesn't matter what situation I am in, my life is what I make it. I can make a paying job boring if I really wanted to.

Just my take on life.

MizFit said...

blog funk?!

Id never have any idea what you are talking about (wink).

Felicia said...

LOL I have to agree with *me* above. You know I stay home and omgosh I would give an arm to have 10 mins to just sit and do nothing. I squeeze in my crafting now inbetween the billions of other things I have to get done just because I WILL TAKE FIVE MINTUES FOR ME! But then I also homeschool to so of course there is always something with him that is going on. Now to be a SAHM with the kiddo gone all day? Ya probably would have to get a job or something or at least a more time consuming hobby HAHAHA.

Sounds like a good time to explore finding something outside of work that you enjoy. After all you wont work forever and then what? *grin*

As for the blogging funk HAHAHAHA well you have seen my lack of posting so I totally feel ya on that part. I have come to the conclusion that blogging is a "Winter Sport" HAHAHAHA Even if we dont have anything to do, we mentally just cant seem to sit and blog during the Spring, Summer or Fall LOL.

Have a great day!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I'm another stay at home mom, but I do have a direct sales business that I do part-time. I'm done homeschooling my kids, but still don't seem to have enough hours in the day. I love to quilt, scrapbook (traditionally and digitally), take photographs, write, make chocolates, workout, walk.......sigh. And I do spend way too much time on this doggone machine! ;-)

Sounds like you are doing a good job getting some activity in!

Just read your Mother's Day post and this year was my first MD without my mom, so sending hugs to you - a little late. I couldn't even go to church on Sunday, knew I'd cry my eyes out the entire time.
Path to Health