Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dance, dance, dance!

Hi guys/gals. I have a question for you. I like to work out to videos, but my collection is tiny. I've been doing Carmen Electra's strip tease set (it's not dirty...just gets you moving while feeling good). However, there are only so many times you can do the same workout! Do any of you know some really great dancing videos (of any kind) that you really like? Are they beginner friendly?

OOH, has anyone tried the belly dancing one? I want to try it in a bad way, but money is tight and I can't justify trying one that I haven't gotten good word of mouth about!

Anyone intersted in swapping/borrowing? I don't have really strenuous programs, or a lot of videos, but if anyone is intersted I will list the videos I do have and give a mini review to those that are inersted!


Dr. Wifey said...

sorry, i do not have any workout videos :( maybe you could try the video store or netflix (if you have that)

Natalia said...

Go to your library! I have found a LOT of exercise DVD's there! My library even lets me request items and they hold them for me, email me when I can pick them up!! I have seen a lot of good videos and you can try a lot without having to buy!!!

Diana said...

Thanks nm! I didn't even think of it - especially given that I don't know where the local library is! (I spend too much time at the school library).