Thursday, October 2, 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

You may have noticed I've changed my blog layout...I chose pink to represent Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
We all know a woman that was unfortunate to have gotten breast cancer. I happen to have 3 survivors and 1 that passed away from breast cancer in my family (plus my best friend/mom to ovarian cancer). I still can't bring myself to do more than the little things (donate money and buy products that donate money to breast cancer research)'s still too painful and just as I write this little blurb I find myself with tears in my eyes, but I hope that my little effort can help.

I heard on the radio that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. If that's true, then why can't we do more to find a cure!! One that actually cures and doesn't poison our bodies and kill good cells? I used to think that breast cancer was the survivable disease...until my aunt passed away from it. Now I know first hand it's not.

There's research out there that says that self breast exams are not actually predictive of survival rates. That there's only a couple (I think out of a hundred) difference between ones that don't and ones that do. It's easy to reduce these to numbers. I whole heartedly believe that it saved my 29 year old cousins life. Maybe she's 1 in 100 (or 10000), but if it's your life or your best friend or your mom....wouldn't it be better to take the chance? Also, this is one study. One.

SAVE THE BOOBS!! Fight for your future and life!
P.S. I know that heart disease is the most prevalent...with it being the number one killer of middle aged and above men and women. However, it's not cardiovascular awareness month.